Theories, Analysis, Programs and Projects. Speakers and architectural environment. Urban Cultures. Disclosure of the Ministry of Cities and Urban Reform Forum. Dissemination of research activities .

sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2012

Rem Koolhaas, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Brett Steele, Shumon Basar

Date: 7/2/2012 
Time: 18:00:00 
Venue: Lecture Hall
Running time: 102 mins

Project Japan is a new book by Rem Koolhaas and Hans Ulrich Obrist, edited by Kayoko Ota with James Westcott and designed by Irma Boom. It tells the story of the first non-western avant-garde movement in architecture, and the last movement anywhere to play a crucial role in the economic, intellectual, and architectural (re)building of a nation: Metabolism. 

Between 2005 and 2011, architect Rem Koolhaas and curator Hans Ulrich Obrist interviewed the surviving members of Metabolism, together with dozens of their collaborators, mentors, rivals, critics, protégés and families. The result is a vivid documentary both of an architectural movement and an activist state that mobilised the most creative forces of its population for a task that, in 1945, seemed impossible. 

This is a ticketed event. AA students (current registered) can collect a ticket on Monday 6 February from 9.00 from Reception. Tickets are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to availability. Tickets must be collected in person on production of an AA Membership card. Tickets cannot be collected on behalf of other students. 

AA staff (current) should contact Philip Hartstein at the AA Front of House Office on Monday 6 February at 11.00, either in person or by phone on 020 7887 4114. AA Members should contact Joanne McCluskey in the Membership Office on Monday 6 February from 10.00 on 020 7887 4034. No advance reservations possible. 

The event will also be relayed into the Rear Second Presentation Space. Tickets are not required for this area but once full it will then be closed.

sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2012

Koolhaas + OMA = Project Japan: Metabolists Talking . via Dezeen

Interview: Rem Koolhaas on Project Japan from Dezeen on Vimeo.

In this third movie in our series of interviews with OMA co-founder Rem Koolhaas he talks about his new book Project Japan, Metabolism Talks… written in collaboration with curator Hans Ulrich Obrist, for which the pair interviewed every surviving member of the Metabolist Movement that emerged in 1950s Japan, plus their mentors, collaborators, rivals, critics, protégés, and families.
Koolhaas gave Dezeen a private tour of the OMA/Progress exhibition, which opened at the Barbican in London last week and continues until 19 February. Read more details see photos in our story on Dezeen, or watch the tour with Koolhaas here.

domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

Prunciamento do IAB-BA sobre a Copa 2014 em Salvador/Brasil

O IAB e a Copa

Para acompanhar as ações da Copa do Mundo de 2014, antes é necessário estabelecer um amplo debate, dando início de um processo participativo sobre o conjunto de intervenções que ficarão como legado para a cidade.

É fundamental que as intervenções para a Copa sejam realizadas no contexto de planejamento de médio e longo prazo, para não investir recursos públicos em obras inadequadas para uma cidade que deve buscar sua sustentabilidade.

Um claro exemplo disso, de recursos mal-aplicados, seria a escolha do BRT para ser implantado na Avenida Paralela, entre o Aeroporto e Iguatemi, quando existe quase unanimidade entre os especialistas em mobilidade urbana de que esta é a pior opção.

O PMI - Procedimento de Manifestação de Interesse, lançado pelo Governo do Estado, sobre o modal a ser implantado na Paralela, apesar de não garantir a participação social no processo de escolha, abriu uma possibilidade de ampliação do leque de propostas e alternativas. Cabe ao governo estabelecer um mecanismo democrático e efetivo de participação da sociedade nessa escolha.

A realização da Copa não pode atropelar a Cidadania para atender pressões de interesses corporativos, que, literalmente, desperdiçarão recursos públicos.

Operações Urbanas Consorciadas

Não sofrerão cortes os gastos programados para o PAC, entre os quais os destinados à Copa do Mundo de 2014. Sabe-se que esses recursos não são suficientes. Além disso, não se têm os valores dos investimentos necessários porque, à exceção do Rio de Janeiro e de Recife, não existem planos urbanísticos para canalizar os investimentos para o evento.

Talvez o anúncio de corte de R$ 50 bi do orçamento da União e o contingenciamento de R$ 1.1 bi anunciado pelo governador Wagner, na abertura dos trabalhos da Assembléia Legislativa, reforcem a necessidade de que as intervenções urbanas a serem planejadas, entre elas as destinadas a receber investimentos para a Copa, sejam realizadas no contexto de planos e projetos urbanos de médio e longo prazo, viabilizados através de Operações Urbanas Consorciadas.

A Operação Urbana Consorciada é, provavelmente, a única alternativa legal e com controle social de se realizarem intervenções urbanas através da captação de capitais privados para viabilizar, especialmente, os investimentos necessários em infra-estrutura. Existe disponibilidade desse capital privado? Sim.

Como afirmou David Harvey, geógrafo americano, no Fórum Social Mundial realizado em Belém, em janeiro de 2009, logo após a eclosão da crise mundial do capitalismo em outubro de 2008, o capitalismo sempre produz excedentes com uma taxa histórica de crescimento anual de 3%, e isso, que representa muito dinheiro, vale também para o Brasil. Harvey explica que o direcionamento destes excedentes de capital em especulação imobiliária nas áreas urbanas foi o responsável pela crise mundial de 2008.

Este capital poderá continuar a ser investido nas áreas urbanas, através de Operações Urbanas Consorciadas, que garantem controle social, segurança jurídica e retorno do capital investido. Pensamos que esta é uma alternativa concreta para viabilizar investimentos que garantam o legado da Copa com um desenvolvimento sustentável a médio e longo prazo para Salvador.

Para uma cidade de notável potencial turístico, estas intervenções deverão fazer parte do legado que a Copa deve deixar para quem aqui mora e para futuros visitantes. Nesse sentido, em Salvador devem ser colocadas no papel as intervenções prioritárias: os planos urbanísticos para o Centro Antigo e as intervenções na Orla de Salvador.

É inadmissível pensar que a requalificação dessas áreas, ainda que parciais, não sejam executadas antes da realização da Copa do Mundo de 2014 e divulgadas pela mídia internacional, aproveitando-se a visibilidade gerada pelo evento.

O planejamento para a Copa deve incluir também intervenções nas áreas de saneamento, drenagem e mobilidade, deve ser participativo, como estabelece a Legislação Federal e o próprio PDDU. A participação no âmbito municipal deve começar pela imediata instalação do Conselho da Cidade de Salvador, cujos representantes foram eleitos na 4º Conferência Municipal, realizada em dezembro de 2009.

No âmbito Estadual a coordenação das intervenções para a Copa do Mundo de 2014 está a cargo da Secretaria de Assuntos Extraordinários para a Copa, e nos parece necessário que a Sociedade Civil participe no Conselho Gestor da Copa, a ser criado para contribuir com a Prefeitura de Salvador e o Governo do Estado, aprofundando o debate sobre estas intervenções num contexto de planejamento participativo.

Centro Antigo e Orla de Salvador

O Centro Antigo de Salvador, em cuja poligonal está inserida a Fonte Nova, conta com o Plano de Reabilitação Participativo, que, depois de amplo debate com a comunidade, estabeleceu as diretrizes para a elaboração de um Plano Urbanístico. Estas diretrizes permitem a imediata elaboração de um Termo de Referência, para viabilizar a contratação do referido plano.

A elaboração de um Plano Urbanístico para a Orla de Salvador, que, em uma visão metropolitana, deverá estender-se a orla dos municípios vizinhos, exigirá um esforço maior, que resgate este vetor de expansão e o qualifique para o lazer de soteropolitanos e visitantes, antes e depois da Copa do Mundo de 2014.

O primeiro passo nesse sentido é iniciar um amplo e realmente participativo debate sobre a Orla que queremos, realizando as oficinas exigidas pelo Programa Federal (Projeto Orla), do qual a Prefeitura Municipal de Salvador é signatária desde 2008, mas sem levá-lo adiante.

O Seminário de Acompanhamento das Ações para Realização da Copa do Mundo de 2014 - Etapa Salvador é de grande importância para unir esforços de gestores públicos, entidades profissionais e empresariais das áreas de Arquitetura, Urbanismo, Engenharia, assim como Movimentos Sociais e Ambientais, para que estas intervenções sejam fruto de um debate transparente, que resulte em importante legado para a cidade.

Salvador, 12 de Abril de 2011

Texto apresentado no Seminário de Acompanhamento das Ações para Realização da Copa 2014 – Etapa Salvador organizado pelo CONFEA/ CREA-BA e apoio do IAB-BA, SINAENCO, SINDUSCON e fórum A CIDADE TAMBÉM É NOSSA. Realizado no dia 12 de abril de 2011, no Hotel Bahia Othon Palace, contou com um público de 400 participantes.

Esta é uma publicação do IAB - Departamento da Bahia.
Produção e edição de textos: Diretoria de Comunicaçao IAB - Departamento da Bahia.
Design: ZWA Agência Digital.
Acompanhe mais notícias sobre o IAB - Departamento da Bahia na próxima edição.

sábado, 23 de outubro de 2010


Alexandre Delijaicov propõe um futuro inspirado no passado. Seria uma metrópole fluvial

Texto por Bruno Weis Ilustração Fujocka sobre fotos de Gabriel Rinaldi


Uma São Paulo com um anel hidroviário de 600 km de extensão, conectando os rios Tietê, Pinheiros e Tamanduateí e as represas Billings, Guarapiranga e Taiaçupeba. Uma metrópole com uma bacia fluvial repleta de barcos transportando cargas diversas até ecoportos com usinas de reciclagem de lixo. Uma cidade habitada por pessoas que utilizam os rios como meio de transporte ou fonte de lazer, com piscinas flutuantes, caiaques e até pedalinhos na paisagem. Delírio? Não para Alexandre Delijaicov, arquiteto e urbanista da Universidade de São Paulo. Para ele, falar de uma São Paulo fluvial é falar do futuro da maior cidade da América Latina.

Delijaicov é um dos responsáveis pelos projetos dos Centros Educacionais Unificados (CEUs), os prédios construídos em bairros da periferia de São Paulo que concentram creches, escolas, equipamentos esportivos e culturais. Além disso, um de seus trabalhos pela USP resultou em um projeto de implantação de ciclovias urbanas. Mas a pesquisa sobre a utilização dos rios e lagos de São Paulo, iniciada há mais de dez anos, é sua mais consistente e ao mesmo tempo sonhadora resposta ao caos urbano.

"O projeto não é uma fantasia. Ele é não apenas factível, como economicamente viável. Só o transporte público de lixo pelos rios já justificaria a execução. Mas essa é uma questão de política de Estado, não de governo. Porque o projeto pode levar 20 anos, atravessar até cinco gestões, com grandes obras de infraestrutura e gastos de mais de R$ 1 bilhão", explica Delijaicov.

"O projeto não é uma fantasia. É economicamente viável. Mas depende uma política de estado"
"O Brasil concentra 12% da água doce do mundo, mas constrói suas cidades de costas para os rios. Para inverter isso, as marginais de São Paulo, por exemplo, teriam que acabar. Hoje parece difícil, mas não sabemos no futuro. Se não houvesse restrição de dinheiro nem de opinião pública, daria para fazer." Mas o arquiteto afirma que um primeiro passo já foi dado: o Departamento Hidroviário da Secretaria Estadual de Transportes contratou um estudo de viabilidade do anel hidroviário.
O projeto está detalhado em desenhos, mapas, fotos antigas e croquis de diferentes ângulos e escalas. Propõe a criação de uma rede de navegação nos rios e represas da cidade, com portos, canais e barragens para ordenar o fluxo de balsas e barcos que transportariam passageiros e cargas de baixo valor agregado, como lixo, entulho, terra e lodo. Além do anel hidroviário de 600 km de extensão, que demandaria a construção de dois grandes canais de ligação entre represas, o projeto também prevê a abertura de um porto no centro velho de São Paulo.
De volta ao passado

São Paulo já teve 4.000 km de rios e córregos. Hoje menos de 400 km permanecem a céu aberto. Há menos de cem anos, riachos, corredeiras e córregos existiam no lugar de algumas das principais ruas e avenidas da cidade. A Nove de Julho era o Saracura, a 23 de Maio, o Itororó. Vladimir Bartalini, professor de arquitetura da USP e colega de Delijaicov, vem mapeando esses córregos ocultos de São Paulo para oferecer à população a informação de que onde ela anda, ou roda, corre um riacho. "Assim poderemos reverter a associação dos rios com aspectos negativos, como esgotos, lixo, inundações, e abrir frentes para o tratamento criterioso dos espaços livres", explica Bartalini.
As ideias de Delijaicov para o futuro de São Paulo dialogam o tempo todo com esse passado da metrópole, quando vários urbanistas, arquitetos, engenheiros e paisagistas planejaram o crescimento da cidade a partir de sua geografia marcada por vales e levando em conta a malha fluvial. "Meu projeto é a condensação de propostas feitas no século 19 e início do século 20 que pensavam as águas da cidade com usos múltiplos."
Delijaicov lembra que no passado engenheiros importantes como Saturnino de Brito projetaram a retificação do Tietê sem a construção das vias marginais. Os planos incluíam um parque com 25 km de extensão por 1 km de largura ao longo do Tietê e outros menores ao longo de córregos como os da Moóca, do Tatuapé e do Ipiranga - todos já sumidos da paisagem urbana.
Segundo o urbanista, a cidade começou a dar as costas para suas águas com o plano de avenidas criado por Prestes Maia nos anos 30, que emparedou rios de fundo de vale e pavimentou o caminho para o triunfo do automóvel. "Fomos abduzidos por um rodoviarismo inconsequente", diz Delijaicov, que enxerga os carros como uma célula cancerígena que se multiplicam sem limites.
Com a canalização e a cobertura de rios e córregos, aumentaram os problemas de enchentes e diminuíram as chances de São Paulo se tornar uma metrópole fluvial, como tantas cidades europeias. Mas, se depender de Delijaicov, a capital paulista poderá ter, em um futuro próximo, bateau mouches como os do Sena em Paris, vaporettos como em Veneza e piscinas flutuantes como as do rio Spree em Berlim.

O urbanista e o mestre da imagem
Inspirada pelo projeto do anel hidroviário defendido pelo urbanista Alexandre Delijaicov e também pelo mapeamento dos córregos ocultos de São Paulo feito pelo professor de arquitetura Vladimir Bartalini,Trip tentou traduzir visualmente o conceito de São Paulo como uma metrópole fluvial, em um futuro não muito distante.
Convidou o fotógrafo Gabriel Rinaldi para registrar os locais e depois convocou Fujocka, mestre do tratamento de imagens, para reinventá-los com uma nova relação com suas águas. O resultado mistura cenas que poderão se tornar realidade dentro de alguns anos, como a do Tietê navegado por um barco de passageiros, e outras improváveis, como o do córrego Saracura tomando novamente o lugar da av. Nove de Julho. 
E aí, dá pra fazer?
"São Paulo tem uma série de córregos e rios tamponados. Por isso esse projeto é importante. E viável, pois temos tecnologias e recursos. Só precisamos dirigir uma política com essa finalidade. Imagine se pudéssemos sair de Pinheiros e chegar na Penha de barco. Seria outra cidade. Não desenvolvemos uma cultura de convivência com os cursos d'água e precisamos reverter isso."
Newton Massafumi
, diretor do Núcleo de Pesquisa da Escola da Cidade
"É um projeto muito engenhoso. É difícil reabrir todos os canais e córregos que foram fechados, os rios têm configurações muito diferentes. No entanto, apesar de existirem empecilhos, precisamos valorizar essas ideias. Nós desperdiçamos os cursos d'água."
Jorge Wilheim
, arquiteto e urbanista
"Esse é um projeto interessantíssimo, tanto do ponto de vista paisagístico como do transporte. No entanto, essa prospecção, de usar os rios como estrutura viária, está cada vez mais longe de acontecer, por conta das políticas autoritárias dos governantes."
José Magalhães, professor de Projetos Urbanos da Universidade Mackenzie

segunda-feira, 12 de julho de 2010

Copa 2014 e Olimpíadas 2016 sem obras licitadas?


Projetos sem concursos, obras públicas sem controle
Acaba de ser aprovada no Congresso Nacional a Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias de 2011 que isenta as obras da Copa 2014 e das Olimpíadas de 2016 das exigências da Lei de Licitações. Conclusão: projetos sem concursos, obras públicas sem controle. Leia aqui mais informações .

segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2010


Inspired by the ideas of the international contest DESIGN AGAINST THE ELEMENTS, FOUNDATION A+U to start a series of critical studies about the devastation caused by rains in the main Brazilian cities [the example of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Recife ...]. These studies should produce a range of proposals for these cities. As always disclose this research and proposals on this site.

sábado, 27 de março de 2010


Launch of New International Green Building Code Welcomed in Growing Industry
Discuss online:
Green and Sustainable Design and Building News This Week
Norwegian Automaker Peddles Its Runabout - New York Times, 2010.0323
Teams Set for First Taste of Antarctic Lakes - Nature, 2010.0323
Fossil Fuel Interests Paid for Danish Study Critical of Wind Power. Does It Matter? - New York Times, 2010.0322
LEED Certification Takes Hit - Daily Journal of Commerce, 2010.0322
Melrose Commons Earns First LEED Neighborhood Honors in NYC - Inhabitat (blog), 2010.0322
UN 5th World Urban Forum Opens in Brazil - Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, 2010.0322
Stewart L. Udall, Conservationist in Kennedy and Johnson Cabinets, Dies at 90 - New York Times, 2010.0321
Green Building: LEEDing Us Where? - New York Times, 2010.0319
 Solar City Tower for Rio Olympics Is a Giant Energy Generating Waterfall - Inhabitat (blog), 2010.0319
Top Environmental Degrees for Less Money - Earth 911, 2010.0319
'Mother-in-Laws' Featured in Bainbridge Architecture Tour - Kitsap Sun, 2010.0319
Consumers Buy More Efficient Refrigerators, but Keep the Old Ones Humming - New York Times, 2010.0319
Of Chilly Offices and Space Heaters - New York Times, 2010.0319
Search Continues for Sustainable Architecture - Daily Commercial News and Construction Record, 2010.0319
Will Green Building Council Kill Green Forestry? - Tyee, 2010.0319
Building an Affordable Sustainable House - Philly Burbs, 2010.0318
Aluminum Maker Eyes Solar Industry - New York Times, 2010.0318
Concentrating Photovoltaic Project Underway at California College - New York Times, 2010.0318
Damage to Peat Bogs Driving Climate Change - Telegraph, 2010.0318
Scottish Government Announces 'World Leading' Marine Energy Project - Scotsman Online, 2010.0317
Are Utilities Ready for Smart Meters? - Triple Pundit, 2010.0317
Study Finds Many Africans Blame Themselves for Climate Change - VOA News, 2010.0317
Government to Continue Climate Change Ads Despite Criticism from Watchdog - Guardian Unlimited, 2010.0317
Wood Groups Dislike USGBC's Third Try to Write Rules on LEED Points - EcoHome, 2010.0317
Las Vegas Sands Kicks off Green Energy Program - Business Week, 2010.0317
Eco Home Stands Tall in Award Fight - Hornsey Journal, 2010.0317
Housing on Rue des Vignoles - ArchitectureWeek, 2010.0317 Bio can be difficult to find. One might think itwould be hard to conceal almost 100 new public housingunits in this part of Paris's 20th arrondissement, butlocal architect Edouard Francois has managed to do so, inserting rows of low-rise apartments, duplexes, and small houses into the middle of a city block while presenting a minimal, modest face to the street on three sides.
Offshore Wind a Boon to the Shipping Industry - New York Times, 2010.0316
Cities Have Been Embracing Sustainability Movement - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2010.0316
CO2 at New Highs Despite Economic Slowdown - ENN, 2010.0315
Rammed Earth + Prefab = Quick and Cheap DIY House - TreeHugger (Blog), 2010.0315
Too Big to Be Green? Berkeley Mansion Prompts Outrage - USA Today, 2010.0313
Low-E Coated Glass - Big Picture Ad Pilkington Solar-E(TM) coated glass is now available in apalette of natural colors: Arctic Blue, Blue-Green, and Gray.The integral pyrolytic (hard) on-line coating provides both lowsolar heat gain and low reflectivity. The product can be bent,insulated, laminated, and tempered, and no edge deletion isrequired. Will not oxidize or change color over time. Cancontribute to LEED certification.
People and Places, by Nancy Novitski
Daniel Libeskind in Dublin, Ireland - Dewberry in Fairfax,Virginia - HGA in Kenosha, Wisconsin - Lord, Aeck & Sargent inArlington, Virginia - Nadel Architects in Amman, Jordan - StudioPali Fekete architects in Beverly Hills, California -International Parking Design in Encinitas, California - Backen,Gillam & Kroeger Architects in Avalon, California - RTKL inShanghai, China...
First Model Codes for Green Building in the U.S - USGBC Press Release, 2010.0309
Drywall Panel with Phase-Change Material
Bamboo Floating Floors from Teragren(TM)
Ecology & Sustainability
Green Building Forum
LEED and Green Certification Forum
ArchWeek Green - sustainable design and building news
ArchWeek Green newsletter archive

quinta-feira, 4 de março de 2010

Mercado de Itapoã: urban analysis. plans masses. urban design

site developed for the dissemination of activities developed by students of architecture and urbanism of UNIME [union metropolitan education and culture]; lauro de freitas, bahia, brazil. discipline: project planning I. coord.: arch. andré lissonger.  the fish market, neighborhood Itapoã, salvador, bahia, brazil.

Mercado de Itapoã . Análise Urbana

site elaborado para a divulgação de atividades desenvolvidas por estudantes do curso de arquitetura e urbanismo da unime [união metropolitana de educação e cultura] . lauro de freitas . bahia . brasil . disciplina: projeto de urbanismo I . levantamento de campo . análise urbana . planos de massas . desenho urbano . projeto desenvolvido: mercado do peixe, bairro de itapoã, salvador, bahia.

segunda-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2010

concept: puxada de rede [pull network fish]


The "puxada de rede" [pull network fish] is the more traditional activities in the Northeast region of Brazil. This practice is becoming increasingly difficult to see. There follows an interesting video released by RAI TRE. This is the first reference I use in this project. This is a fishing activity that involves the pull of a network so full of fish that needs a lot of fishermen and helpers to be carried out. This community, momentary and networking activity seems interesting enough to start questioning and op field of ideas for the design of this fish market.

Ideas for the 2010 Design Ideas Competition

From today I will be disseminating research, surveys and ideas for the 2010 Design Ideas Competition. My will, a long time, this is evident in a more dignified for the Fish Market in the neighborhood where I live now: Beach Itapoã, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.

These ideas will take into consideration the dictates of the competition, but also aims to raise awareness of this space so degraded this city, in order for a possible intervention by the municipality. As you can see, this space is hardly publicized on the Internet. I will try to fill this gap a bit, showing him as well as currently proposed. A hug to everyone.

terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2009

news . workshop "que cidade é essa" . salvador of bahia

Disclosure of working areas and their respective coordinators of teams of newly trained students and architects. This workshop aims to provide answers to the city of Salvador, Brazil, on major issues involving density, mobility, and sustainability.

segunda-feira, 13 de julho de 2009

development master plan . salvador of bahia . brazil

PDDU of Salvador/BA . Brazil
law 6586/04
PDDU Salvador . more texts

a new colaboration . salvador of bahia . brazil


DensidadeMobilidade Sustentabilidade
Workshop de projetos para uma Salvador distinta da atual e da esboçada no PDDU 2008
Faculdade de Arquitetura, UFBA, set.-out. 2009


Salvador esboça em sua atual configuração espacial e de gestão a agonia final de uma megalópole sem sê-la, a anulação das bases de experiência que permitam um entendimento básico de seu espaço como um ecossistema, uma antecipação lenta do ponto zero de qualidade de vida.
Como comemoração dos 50 anos da Faculdade de Arquitetura da UFBA, esta instituição pretende apresentar propostas para uma outra visão de cidade, algo que se situe entre o utópico e o factível, à medida em que aponte em forma de projeto para elementos cujo potencial esteja claramente desperdiçado ou aniquilado pelo estado e previsão de desenvolvimento atuais.


Finais de setembro / início de outubro de 2009

Produto básico:

Desenho urbano de caráter claramente questionador para diferentes áreas da cidade, a serem escolhidas pelo potencial de crítica e desafio, tendo como diretrizes densidade, mobilidade e áreas livres como instrumentos para uma visão diferenciada da cidade.


O workshop será desenvolvido em equipes conduzidas por professores da Faculdade de Arquitetura formadas por estudantes e recém-formados em arquitetura e urbanismo.


4/5 dias de atividades

Palestras/mesas redondas de abertura:
Discurso acadêmico e o discurso técnico: saldo geral de propostas para um desenvolvimento urbano distinto do atualmente proposto.

Apresentação da área/tema por parte do professor líder de grupo.

Desenvolvimento de linhas gerais e propostas de intervenção.
Apresentação final das propostas elaboradas e debate final.

Produtos derivados:

Publicação em livro dos trabalhos produzidos pelo grupos no workshop.
Publicação em web.
Publicação em periódicos especializados.
Publicação nos jornais locais.

sexta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2009

segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2008

Qingpu District . via wikipedia

Qingpu District is one of the districts of Shanghai, China, located to the west of Shanghai city. The only freshwater lake of Shanghai, Dian Shan Lake, is located in Qingpu. The population of Qingpu (at the end of 2001) was 456,834. It has an area of 675.11 km².

Qingpu District, located in the western suburb of Shanghai and next to Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces, is convenient in communications and developed in water transport. In the area there is the largest lake in Shanghai - Dianshanhu Lake, the source of Shanghai's mother river - the Huangpu River. Around the lake are a number of tourist scenic areas, all complete in tourist facilities. Among the tourist areas is the famous waterside town Zhujiajiao. Through several years of planned construction and investment Zhujiajiao has become a hot spot for tourism and gradually developed into a major tourist destination in Shanghai and its neighboring areas. In 2003, under the leadership of the district Party Committee and district government Qingpu District has made striking progress in its tourist industry; tourism administrative system has been further accomplished and its economic indexes have made the best records in history. It has hosted 2.8 million person/times and achieved a total income of 800 million yuan. With the system of industries further accomplished, there are now in the district 21 domestic travel services, 3 international travel business departments, 14 star-rated hotels, including 6 3-star and 8 2-star ones, and 3 AAAA-grade tourist areas (spots). The development of the tourist industry in Qingpu District has not only directly expedited the economic development of the Dianshanhu Lake scenic area but also vigorously brought about the development of related enterprises of commerce, catering and transportation. We believe that with the motivation by the district Party Committee and government leadership tourism in Qingpu District will have more brilliant prospects.

quinta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2008

shanghai qingpu industrial zone

Shanghai Qingpu industrial zone is a industrial developing area of municipal level approved by Shanghai people government and was founded in November, 1995. Covering 56.2 square kilometers according to the general plan, the zone is situated in Qingpu area of Shanghai, a place where the three provinces Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai meet, and the centre of the industrial chain of Changjiang River Delta economic area. At the begining of 2001, the zone took over the whole science and technology city of Chinese textile industry of state level. In March, 2002, the Shanghai government approved the founding of Shanghai Industrial section of Taiwan business (Qingpu) and science section in Qingpu industrial zone. In March, 2003, the state council also granted the guarantee for the founding of Shanghai Qingpu processing section.

The unique regional advantage and the perfect and high effective auxiliary service create another new investment superiority for the rapid development of Shanghai Qingpu industrial zone. The present roads, water, electricity and gas supplies, telecommunication, collective heating supply, sewage disposal and other infrastructure and ecological environment all reach the international standards. The concentrating influence of the industrial zone of municipal level gradually brings into play.

The objective of the zone: To develop into a green industrial zone with demonstration effect of the 21st century.

The developing strategy: aiming at green industrial one, bringing the magnified influence of the conglomerated industries into full play, constructing one net, promoting two cities and establishing three fields so as to build the zone into a leading role of economic development, the center of industrial congregation, the highland of scientific and technological innovation, and the world of talented people.
Tel: 59728328, 59735131, 59728118, 59724833, 59724663
Fax: 59735159, 5972000
Add: 5500 Waiqingsong Road, Qingpu Town.
Website: http://

Shanghai Qingpu Export Processing Zone

1. Founding Date: approved by the State Council in March, 2003. 2. Planning Coverage: three square kilometers. 3. Industrial Orientation: Shanghai Qingpu Export Processing Zone particularly welcomes export processing trade and high and new technology enterprises. 4. Function: The Export Processing Zone is a special zone supervised by the customs, which applies the following policies to the enterprises in the zone by a completely new direct customs-passing system characterized by quickness and convenience: (1) One customs declaration, one declaration form confirmation and one acceptance inspection; closed 24-hour checkpoint supervision (2) Connection of customs computers for exchanges of electronic data (3) The policy of file database is adopted for the enterprises in the zone or abroad while the policy of customs declaration is adopted for those out of the zone. Enterprises in the zone declare at the processing zone customs and use direct or customs transfer transportation.

Qingpu Modern Agriculture Zone

Qingpu modern agriculture zone lies in Liantang town of Qingpu, the hometown of Comrade Chen Yun, a proletarian revolutionist of the old generation of our nation. It is one of the municipal level agriculture zones that start out earliest in Shanghai. The zone was planned and established in 1999. It now has comparatively improved infrastructure and comparatively completed industrial system, which have attracted a great number of traveling traders both at home and abroad to settle their investment here. The zone therefore has produced outstanding economic and social returns, and actively promoted the modern agriculture development of both Qingpu and Shanghai.

Following the accomplishment of bid for the Olympic Games and successful entry to WTO, the world exposition will be located in Shanghai. The Oriental Pearl-Shanghai will certainly become the focus of the world and a gold field of investment. The back garden of Shanghai-Qingpu, resembling a beautiful exotic flower, will gain favor again. The exploitation of Qingpu central city proper and industrial zone has become the fundamental carrier for the acceleration of urbanization of Qingpu. The modernized agriculture zone faces the famous tourist vacation region of Dianshanhu Lake in the north, and is bounded on the south by Hangjiahu Plain, particularly borders on Zhujiajiao, the ancient town of a thousand years old and also a major sightseeing tourist area of municipal level. The regional advantage of the zone is self-evident. Longtou Harbor, Dazheng Harbor, Caofang River and so on interweave into an aquatic traffic net. Zhufang Road connects 318 national road with 320 national road and runs across the zone. Hu-qing-ping Expressway, Hu-hang highway and 03 national road enclose the zone and provide convenient external traffic.

Qingpu modern agriculture zone covers an area of 27300 mu (18.2 square kilometers). The zone is divided into five functional sections: high and new technology demonstration section, industrial processing section, agricultural product interflow section, specialized cultivation section, and ecological agriculture section for visiting.

We sincerely expect your distinguished traders settle investment here and join the development and construction. Let's join hands and work together to create the glorious future of this productive and vital land!

Zhujiajiao Industrial and Economic Zone


Zhujiajiao Industrial and Economic Zone occupies an advantageous location on the lakefront of the Dianshanhu Lake on the western outskirts of Shanghai, with a total area of 138 square meters. Inside the Zone, the surface relief is flat, which is 3.0-3.8meters high above the sea level. Around the Zone, many shallow lakes lie here and there, some small rivers run across one another. The water is pure and clear. It's a typical watery Zone town south of the Yangtzejiang River and has been classified by Shanghai Municipal Government as one of the ten major development projects titled One City and Nine Towns.According to the entire distribution of the Zone, the south part is the industrial Zone; the middle part, ancient town tourism area; the north, feature dwelling district; and the west, beauty spot of the Dianshanhu Lake.

Zone Construction

The first stage construction of roads, water and power supply and other infrastructure has all been completed and a brand new industrial park is coming into being.


In order to meet with the general desire of strengthening one leading industry and developing several others more set by the City and County government, the Zone give priority to the development of cultural, educational and sports goods manufacturing industry of , and has formed an industrial base with the focusing and support of government policies. According to the industry development planning, cultural, educational and sports goods manufacturing industry will be developed as the leading industry of the Zone.

Leisure & Entertainment

The Zone is world-famous for its leisure facilities, such as entertainment and tourism bases that integrate business, vocational and entertaining functions, including Shanghai Water Sports Center near the Dianshanhu Lake with world-class water sports facilities; Oriental Oasis the large camp site for teenagers quality education with the first class installations and scale in China; Shanghai Sun Island International Club; Shanghai International Golf Country Club, etc.

Xujing Shanghai Qingpu Industrial Zone 7000 m2 3 0.55 yuan / sq m / day

Shanghai Qingpu Industrial Park, 5,000 square meters of "households......

China Shanghai Qingpu District, the new town of Reinforced Concrete Structure three-storey five-meter factory shops Negotiable

Shanghai Qingpu District Industrial Park Zhujajiao three perfect facilities leased factory

Shanghai Qingpu District Kanazawa two of the 1,700 square meter single generic standard 7-meter factory rental division

Shanghai Qingpu District herons eight multi-layer models of three common standard factory rental division ...

Shanghai Qingpu Industrial Park, 9,019 square meters separated house of single and double the plant a rental

terça-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2008

workshop atelier/terrain jinze [qingpu - shanghai] 2008

October 30, 2008 (Qingpu - Shanghai, China)- Workshop_atelier/terrain de Jinze, Qingpu - Shanghai, 2008 by the UNESCO Chair on landscape and environment, the University of Montréal, Canada

This annual "Workshop_atelier/terrain" (WAT) is organized within the framework of the UNESCO Chair in Landscape and Environmental Design and will take place in China, specifically in the town of Jinze in Qingpu district in the large suburb of Shanghai.

Located at the western limit of the municipality of Shanghai, this Township is crossed by canals, lakes and wetlands. Its morphology and its urban architecture are very typical of Water-city of this area. The difference of this town it is that it is mostly rural. Its surroundings is agricultural and the aquatic environment is preponderant (marshes, canals, lakes, etc.).

Regarding the development issues of Qingpu District and its new city, town of Jinze seems dedicated to the enhancement of its territory, namely the rehabilitation of historic districts and its agricultural interfaces, its preservation of aquatic resources and its wetlands, and the sustainable development of its local economy industry and tourism).

Participating Universities
The WAT_Jinze (Qingpu-Shanhai) 2008 will gather approximately 45 students from 13 universities out of the CUPEUM's scientific networks:

the Department of Archithecture, College of Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Tongji -China ;
the Departement of Landscape, College of Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Tongji -China ;
the Department of Urban Planning, College of Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Tongji -China ;
the College of Engineering, Dept. of Architectural Engineering Yonsei University-Republic of Korea (ROK);

the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Damascus -Syria;
the Tunis National School of Architecture and Urban Planning (ENAU)-Tunisia;
the Dept of Urban Planning (DIPTU) at the University of Rome "La Sapienza"-Italy;
the Dept of Architecture (DiAR) at the University of Rome "La Sapienza"-Italy;
the Faculty of Architecture of Alghero at the University of Sassari - Italy;
the Faculty of Literature and Social Sciences at the Cadi Ayyad University -Morocco;
the Masters in landscape at the Institute of Fine Arts of the Lebanese University (UL) in Beirut-Lebanon;
the School of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Design at the University of Montreal (APA)-Canada;
the School of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Design at the University of Montreal (ARC)-Canada.

quinta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2008

qingpu . rural and international

At the competition of conceptual urban design for the Quigpu-Shangai GreenWater City, Foundation A + U down two lines of research for two proposals:


Sustainability is becoming more prevalent in Chinese architecture. "I was just in China last week and that's the big issue there," says Branimir Medić of de Architekten Cie.

The project to redevelop the area was won by De Architecten Cie last year, in association with international engineering group DHV, following on from their work at the Tianjin Railway Station, and the Culture Centre in Kaohsiung. DHV presented the master plan at Aquaterra in February 2007, a forum on delta and coastal development.

2. ORIENT GREEN BOAT: This after-school camp for youngsters, by the beautiful Dianshanhu Lake, occupies an area of 380 hectares (including water surface). The camp consists of 8 major areas, namely, the areas of Knowledge Boulevard, Bravery and Wisdom, Education on National Defense, Challenge to Survival, Scientific Exploration, Water Sports, Sports Training and Practice in Living. In the area of the Knowledge Boulevard are 162 sculptures of world-renown celebrities in the history of world civilization. It is, at present, the largest sculpture park in the world.

Add: 6888 Hu-Qing-Ping Highway, Qingpu District, Shanghai
Tel: 021-59233000 Fax; 021-59233058

quinta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2008

reinventing qingpu . by jen lin-liu

news via architectural record china

Twenty-five miles northwest of skyscraper-congested downtown, Shanghai's suburban district of Qingpu is like the often-ignored older cousin of the metropolis's more glamorous and wealthier districts.

Though Qingpu was settled hundreds of years earlier than Shanghai, the city's more central districts since the early 1990s have raced ahead in building high-rises and setting up special development zones to attract high-tech companies. Qingpu is more famous for its natural waterways, which have been used as a mode of transportation for centuries.

But city planners and architects are moving beyond developing China's population-heavy metropolises and looking outward as development enters a new phase, driven by the country's economic boom. Qingpu, which has recently gotten a burst of foreign investment with multinational companies like Dupont, Honeywell, and Hitachi setting up light manufacturing plants here, is now poised to receive an injection of architectural modernism.

Qingpu differs from the run-of-the-mill Chinese suburb, which usually consists of shoddy buildings with white-tile exteriors and utilitarian cement homes, thanks to its natural beauty, its proximity to the heart of China's wealthiest city, and its vice district chief, Jiwei Sun. [Chinese names in this article follow the Western convention of family name at the end.]

It began in 2002, when Sun, who was the chair of the construction committee for Shanghai's central Luwan District, was promoted to work in Qingpu District. His position is not unlike that of a vice mayor of a large town in America, given Qingpu's population of 250,000. A big challenge was attached to Sun's new job: to develop Qingpu in a sustainable way as its projected population grows to half a million people by 2020. "Qingpu used to be considered an outer suburb," says Sun. "But now it's an important satellite city."

Besides being known for its canals, Qingpu, a 7,298-square-mile district that is shaped like a butterfly, was until recently home to many state-owned factories manufacturing everything from soy sauce to cement. But China's transition to a more market-oriented economy meant that many factories were forced to close. Meanwhile, other parts of Shanghai that relied less on state-owned industries experienced much growth.

Because it has lagged behind other districts in development, Qingpu can learn from the mistakes of past city planning, says Sun: In central Shanghai, "development happened too quickly. They threw away a lot of things by tearing down old buildings with historical value." He adds that planners in the past have not attached much aesthetic value to architecture.

Since the district's population is expected to double, in essence Sun has to create a new city, which the government has named Qingpu Xincheng, or Qingpu New City. About 22 square miles of land has been set aside for factories of multinational companies. Nearly 10.8 million square feet of new residences will be built. Sun also wants to spruce up historic Qingpu's tourist attractions, like Zhujiajiao, an area riddled with waterways and knick-knack shops, by having architects design new hotels and shops.

An important goal amid all the building and revitalization is that the "natural shape of the land is being preserved," says Sun. "We want to keep all the canals intact." The district plans to create a system of water buses on the waterways, like Venice, for locals and tourists alike. Another way that Qingpu's plan differs from that of other towns is that it has managed to attract a number of foreign architects to build schools, government buildings, a church, and other public places. The architects that Sun has hired include Jacques Ferrier of France, Spanish architect Sancho-Madridejos, and Kunyan Deng from Taiwan.

What makes the activities in Qingpu even more remarkable is that the district does not have any special funds for attracting architects to do public works. (Sun estimates that the district spends $610 million per year on overall development.) Rather, Sun has managed to attract a number of international architects to Qingpu through cultivating relationships and by giving architects free artistic range. Foreign architects are often eager to build in China and can provide alternative approaches to design and planning.

One architect who has taken the lead in developing Qingpu is Qingyun Ma, who heads his own firm in Shanghai called MADA s.p.a.m. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania's architecture school, Ma found himself plunging headfirst into issues that he had tried to avoid while practicing as an architect in America. "I used to be a pure Modernist," he says. After returning to China three years ago, "I realized that my refusal to do anything historical was wrong. [History] is so pervasive."

Though Ma is younger than many of the Qingpu planning officials he advises, he has managed to earn their respect. That respect has given Ma the freedom to build several projects in Qingpu, including Qiao Zi Wan, or Bending Bridge Bay, which is located on an oval-shaped piece of land surrounded by canals. Currently a run-down abandoned residential area, the site is being cleared to make way for a commercial district with a pedestrian thoroughfare. Located next to a park and temple built in the Qing Dynasty, the challenge has been to "introduce something new in a historic environment," says Ma.

Another project of Ma's is the innovative Thumb Island, a community center that floats on a lake. Free from the responsibility of dealing with history here, Ma has designed a structure composed of two buildings that rise and fall gently like two glass-encased mounds. The roof of the complex, which resembles two rolling hills, will become a public park. Standing atop the half-completed clubhouse, Ma says, "I'd love it if people did tai-chi up here."

American architect Benjamin Wood, of Wood + Zapata, was attracted to Qingpu because he says he was given "carte blanche" by the Australian developer SPG to create his vision of a residential community—without a gate. Having just completed a high-profile project in central Shanghai called Xintiandi, Wood shifted his focus to Qingpu to build town houses, villas, and apartments with an urban core of several restaurants and an old farmhouse that's been converted into a cultural center. "It's sort of a transformation of the vernacular water town urban typology with clean Modern lines," says Wood.

Indeed, much of the construction involves taking into account what already exists, or the historic surroundings of a project. For his part, Sun wants a former flour factory to be converted into lofts for artists. A state-owned warehouse will be turned into an exhibition center. Sancho-Madridejos, the Spanish firm, has been commissioned to rebuild a Christian church—itself a rarity in China—in a futuristic style with sharp lines. Nearly completed is a public kindergarten by Chinese architect Yichun Liu that features 15 blocky classrooms, each with a courtyard, a traditional Chinese feature of homes, but done in a nontraditional way.

While developers usually can push their vision through when building in other places in China, those who build in Qingpu are put through a rigid test, says Fanny Ma, the deputy general manager of Hongda Group, a Chinese developer that is building a project in the tourist area of Zhujiajiao. "The government's needs reflect our needs," she says. "It might be more frustrating in the beginning of the process, but afterward, our project has zipped along like a high-speed train."

With many projects still in the incubation stage, however, it is yet to be seen what Qingpu will become. Though roads have been paved and schools have been built, Qingpu New City has the feel of an empty shell, since few buildings have been fully completed. Ma, the architect, counters that the biggest change so far in Qingpu is not a physical one: "It's a psychological change. Designers and architects are having to really think to get a job here. The threshold has been raised."

Jen Lin-Liu is an American journalist living in Beijing who has written for Newsweek, The Associated Press, and The Chronicle of Higher Education.

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